Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Monday, October 02, 2006

Orthogonal Patching and Coding

"The Third-Party Patching Conundrum" is a pretty cool trend, in my opinion:
The Zero Day Emergency Response Team, or ZERT, stepped out of the shadows a week ago to offer a quick patch for the Microsoft VML vulnerability.
Finally, people are doing things on their own because Microsoft is so slow. It's one thing to have open source software being fixed by anyone, it's something else to have closed source software being fixed by non-authors (ZERT in this case).

Currently, doing such patching requires a lot of reverse engineering work which may not be so legal based on the various onerous shrink wrap agreements. I'd love to see [if not create my own] tools which will help any Joe write such a patch with few clicks here and there. Just as there are script kiddies who crack computers, there should be script patchers or script coders.

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