Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Mashup Software Engineering

I was thinking about programmer directed coding (the way things are today, where "professionals" write code for the users) while contrasting with what I wanted to see: user directed programming. Or Computer Assisted User Coding Energy or CAUSE (I didn't know what to put for "E" actually).

And then I thought, why not mashups? There are music and video mashups and I found out this morning that there is web page mashups. Why can't users just take parts of the programs they like and mash them into a new program? For example, take the physics game engine of Burnout, the scifi-ness of Star Wars and online connectedness of second life. [Lame examples, I know but I'm not very creative this morning.]

Where am I going with this? I'm not sure but I think this is the direction I want to see things headed....

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