Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Monday, September 25, 2006


I'm not the only person who wants to program in a generic way: DSL or Domain Specific Language is a proposal for metaprogramming without worrying about the details of the target languages. He points to ANTLR parser generator -- i.e., alternative to Lex/Yacc. [Interestingly enough, Microsoft has already released DSL tool kit for Visual Studio.]

I don't think so: I don't want more complexity for the sake of cleanness of implementation [i.e., make it easy for computer to process rather than easier for user to program], the trend with parser generators. I want high order functions easy to use and give me more power to do what I want. Much like what they are trying to do with the next generation GUI's. All in all, programming should be as painless (or approachable) as Excel "programming."

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