Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Entertaible: LCD TV horizontal

"Entertaible concept: combination of electronic gaming and traditional board games": the mind boggles on the possibilities for gaming: Which is why I love TabletPC for the potential (but never have the time to do any real development) for hands on interactivity. Being a multiplayer environment (much like traditional board games) would allow a level of interactivity not possible with real boards (you can't cheat or have all the pieces missed up, but you can do replays, undo's and redo's). And for games which are time sensitive (I don't know of any but it could be new thing: first one to touch gets to pay/answer the question, etc), touching may open up new possibilities.

You can also come up with coordination games where one has to follow another or be synchronized and work together (e.g., you can have 2 flywheels which have to rotate the opposite directions at the same speed by 2 different players).

[Unfortunately, to protect these kinds of ideas with copyright is much harder than patent since patent gives much broader protections while copyright have to be detailed and explicit of the inventions. And even then it'll only protect the words, not products implemented by the ideas.]

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