Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bugs: secrets over safety and unempowerment

"Flaw finders to software makers: It's payback time Bug hunters have listened to software firms about how to make flaws public. Now it's time for those companies to give them something back, they say."

It's unfortunate that bug reporting has become a "responsible" activity rather than for the safety of the common folks. And it's unfortunate that current software [by most vendors] is locked in by the software creator and in-accessible by the users.

Why can't the user become empowered to fix the problems they want to fix, when they want to, not at the pace of the software makers [who usually charges money for "bug fix/upgrade" as if bug fixes were something user should have to pay for. Just as we have many bug finders, why not allow many fixers? [which is precisely the open source model]

But then agian my business model proposal would do exactly that: pay for the bug fix(es). Unlike these companies, however, my model would make clear to the users what they are paying for: bug fix or feature addition and total dollars "invested" would reflect what the customers really want. I guess the users can set time limits and other controls and can always back out at any time until a "real" contract is in place [I'll fix/make this feature for the fixed amount: the money is committed and my time will be committed as well].

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