Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Friday, April 07, 2006

Rebate H3LL

For those who buy tech gears (esp at stores like Fry's), you can get suckered and not get any checks. Here's one report: "18 weeks in Amazon rebate hell"

I can relate since I've bought may things from various stores with mail in rebates (MIR). I found Fry's to be the worst [not them specifically but their mail in rebates so Fry's may have nothing to do with my problems I had -- I have several anti-virus software MIR not come through]. I got my MIR for my 2 cell phones at Amazon without a hitch so I think most people in general get their money. I'm still unhappy I didn't get my MIR from Best Buy for a LCD monitor (for $100).