Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gaming Greasemonkey: next Endless Gaming

"Goal-less games may widen market" gets at the new types of game where there is no real goal: The Movies point is to make movies (there are short term goals but I think that is secondary to the machinima capabilities). Sim games is to, well, interact. And so with various online games: the goal is to interact with other users.

Next step is to be greasemonkey like and take over where the game programmers and even game modders have left off. Game modding puts new skin and maybe some new logic in the old games but Greasemonkey-like feature would let you mix and match various games (like fly Tie fighter in the Ghost Recon game) or have a Sims character play a live game of Call of Duty -- and share the experience online.