Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Friday, November 11, 2005

Games aren't fun

"Katamari Creator Still Pissed Off" gets to the point: too much games are based on sales potentional not fun and new ideas.

I believe that something like Stagecast and XGameStation and GP2X have all common theme: you roll your own games. (Nintendo's Revolution may allow this possibility as well.) There are some sharing of games but not in ways that will benefit creaters and players, alike. A new market (sort of like ebay for eduational market) is needed but even more would be a tool where game creation is easier than what's available today. I like Stagecast for it's ability for children to get going and is powerful enough to keep the interests of my sons (in creating and improving their own games).

Looking at the books available, they are focused on games with existing tools (like Visual BASIC) rather than something more appropriate for youngsters like Squeak.