Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Debug and Virtualization

Here is an incomplete thought I've been having over the past few days. When debugging programs which run on both server and client [like browser code and server code], it can be a pain to figure out what's going on where. However, somehow, I think that virtualization can be used to help abstract a layer or two so that debug can take place more independent of OS [of either or both the client and server OSes].

I noticed that when a program displays stuff on browsers, you have at least 3 layers: the code printing, the text handler and pixel handler. This is true with graphical browsers as well as text [lynx] browsers. When you have layers, then opportunities exist for virtualization. How can it be possible is something I'll have to chew on.

Copyright 2006, DannyHSDad, All Rights Reserved.
