Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Friday, July 28, 2006

Ebay rip offs: fix it with firefox extension

Ever feel cheated when you bid on an item and realize that shipping is much more than reasonable amount? Here an firefox extension that can help: "ShortShip - sort eBay search results by total cost" It allows you to sort by total bid + ship price and coverted into one currency unit!

Now, if this kind of mod was easily to create by browser users, THAT would be a killer browser. One good enhancement would be: to not being able to make a bid or "buy now" if the seller doesn't accept credit cards or shipping insurance [not even optional insurance].

Or be able to tie ebay purchase against some consumer complaint site. I bought something on ebay 2 weeks ago and got tracking number from USPS but USPS claimed it was delivered last week. I went to the local office 2 days after the delivery date and they said they'll look into it. Earlier this week I finally got the package: something that never happens with UPS -- I just made few phone calls and got my new package few days letter (no need to visit an office and wait in line).