Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ebay Bubble: PS3 vs Wii

It seems that the PS3 (Playstation 3) bubble prices have popped already at Ebay and are sliding down! I saw some sales which closed at less than $650 which means after fees and sales tax, which means a real loss for the seller.

Wii, on the other hand, still seems to command over $100 of premium on Ebay so the demand is very real still. There was a initial drop in price during Thanksgiving week since so many people bought and sold them on Ebay but since then the prices have averaged above $400 (retails for $250). I must confess that I've sold 2 Wii's myself (grin).

The irony of it all is that I was employed for over 3 years to work on the Cell processor (Playstation 3's core computer chip) -- and I have yet to play on a PS3 let alone buy/own one....

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