Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

PC vs People: who's the boss

news.com has "PC or People -- who's the boss" interviewing the new MSFT researcher Bill Buxton and has few tidbits of interesting ideas but I'm not satisfied with the way things work today.

I want more seamless interactions with computers and the data in it. For example, my wife and I enter data into Money Matters (personal finance software) but use two different computers. It's up to me to enter the data either on my wife's computer or copy it to mine and tell her: don't use it until I'm done. Sometimes I get busy and forget to update her computer and the next thing I know I have to reenter my data (or hers)! I wish there was a more seamless CM (configuration management or the ability to check in and out files in turn and keep track of changes) software that is distributed across the household computers. I'm thinking of turning everyone's computers into a wireless based notebook with one central server (to do printing and some sort of backup) but without easy backups and data sharing, my sysadmin "duties" will increase significantly. Sigh.