Danny's Tech: Where West and East Intersect

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Cruise gets an ultra sound: at home medical services

"Cruise caught in Sonogram Squabble": good for him. As I proposed USB Ultrasound, one should be able to use it at home with or without expert guidance.

I think medical outsourcing will be a big thing, esp. if privacy can be guaranteed (and shouldn't be hard to do, since who the patient doesn't matter).

Rather than doctors coming to you physically, he can visit you remotely: he mails you the basic test kit to you, you plug it into USB port and with webcam and microphone, he can interact with the patient to go over your basic symptoms. With more complex diagnostics, he can mail you specialized equipment like ultrasound and then do detailed analysis (remotely and with a technician "jacked in"). This way, most exam can be done in the privacy of the home, and if a service company provides the secure link and ensures that the doctor cannot privately record the 'exam,' then people can relax and trust the doctor. It'll save time for the patients and cut costs for the doctor (not having to have a whole staff for receiptionists, clean up crew of the office, less paper work).